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About us

Hello, nice that you take the time to see who is behind the FUNATICROCKS shop. My name is Hans and I live in Spain with my girlfriend Lidia. When the coronavirus hit the streets I slowly lost the freelance jobs I was doing. For this, I started to look for alternative ways to get some bread on the table. As I always liked the idea to make funny, educative, happy colored slogans and designs for t-shirts. I started looking if I could build my own online shop. Luckily I also have a background in working online which made it a lot easier to find what I needed. So here we are. And with we I mean me and my girlfriend make up the designs and slogans and some we find online. And on top of that, it's not only the t-shirts we sell. But you probably already found out that we have more products to offer in our FUNATICROCKS.

We sincerely hope you enjoy our products, slogans, and designs from which we hope will bring some smiles on the faces of your friends, family, and colleagues.

For any matter or questions, you can use our contact us page. 

Thanks for visiting us and Happy Shopping!  With love,  The FunacticsROCKS team.
